I don't use bug spray. I suffer outdoors or the sun protective clothing also seems to keep bugs off. Indoors I relocate, spray with rubbing alcohol or scoop up in a tissue and send on the magic water ride (flush them)
I hate sunscreen/sun tan lotion. Wear sun protective clothing head to toe instead.
Wife's allergic to dairy so only plant based natural frozen stuff. No ice cream.
We order meat from some hippy sustainable all natural outfit that's supposed to have no antibiotics or whore moans...
I use the one Grem uses. Because he got me into minnows and he swears by it. So far it has worked better than any of the other buckets I have tried, including those that go in the water themselves. It's a Frabill, I think, with a built in aerator. When I bought it I bought a bigger diffuser...
I stay away from all nicotine. Pretty sure if I accept a cigar from a fishing buddy on the river I'll end up buying a pack on the way home. I sure don't want to start dipping or anything else. I stay away from all of it and have for almost 10 years.
lol, an hour is just the aquariums. I haven't even gotten into the fishing stuff by then. Then there is the kayak/boating stuff and the guns. Oh, and the bargain cave...
lol, I have to avoid the temptation to use the Hamburg store as a rest stop when I am going that way. I'll spend an hour just looking at the aquariums. ;)
I kept a few as pets back in Texas. Watching them eat moths by holding the wings and eating the body out of the middle and then drop the wings was entertaining. Their dating and married life sucks worse than ours though. While my wife may often want to rip my head off, she has never actually...
Either one is fine for us as far as I know, at this moment in time, subject to change without notice, your mileage may vary, I did not stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night, I do not play one on TV ;)