Playing in the sand for a week


Nuts & Bolts Guy
Heading to OCNJ for a week with the family. I know, you should never publicly say when you’re away but there is someone staying here with our dog full time, no worries.

My wife’s out of the ordinary plan this vacation is no plans, no rules, everyone go do what they like to do. When the kids were younger, she would always create a full and tight schedule and you were happy to get back to work! lol

That leaves me with two things. Beer! and of course, fishing. I can’t wait to walk and cast the beaches, often.

We have some family dropping in and out during the week so I know my liver will get a workout as well my buddy Brian will be dragging his boat down a day or two so we can fluke the bays. Out front conditions this week still don’t look good so I doubt we will even try that.

I hope to follow up in this thread with some good catches and/or stories. While I do get my liberties to go fishing often enough, this will be especially nice knowing that I don’t have to think about work, taking care of things around the house or whatever. Just relax!


Well-known member
Heading to OCNJ for a week with the family. I know, you should never publicly say when you’re away but there is someone staying here with our dog full time, no worries.

My wife’s out of the ordinary plan this vacation is no plans, no rules, everyone go do what they like to do. When the kids were younger, she would always create a full and tight schedule and you were happy to get back to work! lol

That leaves me with two things. Beer! and of course, fishing. I can’t wait to walk and cast the beaches, often.

We have some family dropping in and out during the week so I know my liver will get a workout as well my buddy Brian will be dragging his boat down a day or two so we can fluke the bays. Out front conditions this week still don’t look good so I doubt we will even try that.

I hope to follow up in this thread with some good catches and/or stories. While I do get my liberties to go fishing often enough, this will be especially nice knowing that I don’t have to think about work, taking care of things around the house or whatever. Just relax!
The whole article sounds nice...hope you get to rest and recover from it when back home.


Nuts & Bolts Guy
First day fishing today for me. Fished Corson’s Inlet from the boat launch to the beach and out front a little. Windy as heck! and the water was really fast. I was rewarded with one small sea robin. :(

Always fun to get out and I am sure I will be back out there tomorrow.


Well-known member
Sea Robins I hear are most delish but its hard to catch enough at one time for a meal.


Nuts & Bolts Guy
Sea Robins I hear are most delish but its hard to catch enough at one time for a meal.
I have heard the same thing but it is something I ever ventured into. We’ve caught some good sized ones too while fluking in years past.


Well-known member
My Daughter in law caught an 18" SeaRobin at the little brick Lighthouse, Romer Shoal, btwn the point of Sandy Hook and the turn up to NYC.


Nuts & Bolts Guy
Yay! Target species success. Just not a keeper. 16”. I caught 3 other smaller ones too.

Yesterday was low tide fishing, today was high tide so nice to see a difference. Tomorrow….who knows? My brother in law arrived, could be nursing a hangover or day drinking tomorrow. Time will tell! ;)


Nuts & Bolts Guy
Playing in the sand has come to a depressing end. We found out early last evening that our basement flooded at home. I assume it flooded yesterday? Maybe the day before? I just don’t know. Our dog sitter only found out by chance as she was looking for our laundry room, which is on the 2nd floor.

Anyways, I have some great neighbors who went in with some pumps and got most of the water out. My neighbor said it appears that the sump pump failed. Of all time for it to fail, when I am not there. On the bright side, I have heard horror stories in the past and made sure years ago to add sump pump failure to my home insurance.

I spent the morning getting the claim going and Servpro is already on site doing their thing, ripping out carpet, drywall, fans, dehumidifiers and whatever else they need to do to mitigate future mold. There is no reason to return today, we would just be in their way so we will return home early tomorrow and start inventorying damaged stuff…..and there is alot of stuff! Ugh!

My basement is finished and it is where my office is so setting up a new work area in the house this week is going to be interesting.…..of course dealing with repairs for the months to come will be interesting as well…


Nuts & Bolts Guy
We arrived home late this morning and the great cleanup began. The carpet was already torn out, the drywall cut up 2’ from the floor and an army of fans and dehumidifiers already have the place looking incredibly dry.

We have sorted through the good and the bad. While our insurance coverage is good, we already know we will be out of pocket as the value adds up quick. I never realized the amount of “stuff” we had down there until you start tallying……And for the things like wedding items and baby items that were ruined, they are priceless.


Well-known member
Bummer I’m kinda getting used to water running through my basement im afraid I have 2 pumps in my basement one low one high but when the power goes out well get the mud boots out.I don’t keep anything of value in my basement except what I have to. I had about a foot this last storm before I could get the generator hooked up.


Nuts & Bolts Guy
Bummer I’m kinda getting used to water running through my basement im afraid I have 2 pumps in my basement one low one high but when the power goes out well get the mud boots out.I don’t keep anything of value in my basement except what I have to. I had about a foot this last storm before I could get the generator hooked up.

I’ll be adding a secondary pump, battery backup as well as a notification system. Simply stated, I have never had and issue, the pump failed. Unfortunately, because of this, I learned pumps should be replaced after so many years. My rhythm has been don’t fix what isn’t broken….because I’ll just break it. ;) but that will change with this.

I have contacted and met with everyone who needs to be contacted. The fixing begins next week. Yay, hopefully get my office back in a few weeks.


Nuts & Bolts Guy
The “put everything back together” starts tomorrow. I have a contractor who is going to install insulation, drywall and trim and give a fresh coat of paint throughout my office and stair area.

Carpet people can’t get here til October so that sucks! It is what it is I guess.

Insurance came and looked and promised they would send a check the day after. That’s been a week now….we still don’t know how much they’re covering, what they’re covering and their communication is nil. When you call them, you get a voicemail or a “they are working on it”.

Out of pocket for now, we’ll see if the pocket gets restored….