Public Speaking


Well-known member
Read it’s the number 1 fear. I’m anything but eloquent. Asked to speak on Digital Transformation among industry leaders from Global 100 and various governments Tech Leaders. Worst part, request was sent Dec.2 but I just saw it. I have a every 4 year Corp Summit the same week so I’ll fly in late the night before and be keynote at 8:30am.

I’m not an expert in anything,,,,,

What am I thinking?!?!!!

Blackcat Outdoors

Well-known member
Good luck. I took public speaking as a class in college. Gave speeches to around 300 other college kids. Rehearsal was key for me I remember. The more confident I knew what to say and less I had to look at my notes the better I did. Not a skill I've used in the last 30 years give or take though. I spend 90% of my time alone talking to myself in my truck. 😁

Good luck and be sure to post the blooper reel.


Well-known member
I know the feeling, I only speak once every few years. Hate it. Stick to the basics.


Well-known member
I'm not good at public speaking at all. It's definitely a weakness for me.

I'm sure you'll do fine. You'll have a few weeks to get your nerve up. You should a test run with us PAanglers logged in being our helpful selves :)


Well-known member
Read it’s the number 1 fear. I’m anything but eloquent. Asked to speak on Digital Transformation among industry leaders from Global 100 and various governments Tech Leaders. Worst part, request was sent Dec.2 but I just saw it. I have a every 4 year Corp Summit the same week so I’ll fly in late the night before and be keynote at 8:30am.

I’m not an expert in anything,,,,,

What am I thinking?!?!!!

When you are giving the presentation, talk to someone specific in the audience. Not the same person all the time, change who frequently. But always be talking to someone.

Take the audience's cues. If they are quiet and paying attention then you have them. If they are chatting among themselves or nodding off then you don't and you need to change something.

You are an expert at many things. They asked you to speak on this because you know your shit and are known for knowing your shit. You automate and streamline processes by maximizing the leveraging of cutting edge technology for a living. That is the definition of 'digital transformation'. You do this without a degree or advanced education. There is no degree or advanced education for this. You are not only an expert in the field, but also a creator of it.

Figure out what you want to say, that people like your audience might want or need to hear. Write it down in as much detail as you are comfortable with. Whether that is an outline or a full speech. Then...

Remember how to get to Carnegie Hall?

Practice, practice, practice. In your car, in the mirror while getting ready in the mornings, in the shower, to your wife, to your kids, to us, to anybody you can corner.

Take a long slow deep breath, in through your nose and blow it out slowly through pursed lips. Smell the roses and blow out the candles.

You'll be fine.