What did you Catch Today?


Well-known member
Nice Job! Depth, Style and bait, please. Meant to go tomorrow but Z and Marvin Backed out. I want to practice butterfly prep this year (usually done on trout but I want to try it on crappy)....fewer fish, Specimen size, carefully prepared. That's what looks appealing to those that aren't into fish at all.


Well-known member
316th. hmmmm. I have just purchased 1/32 and 1/16. But it may work for 4lb. I use the 2” pearl all year for bass and crappy.


Well-known member
Maybe you can answer this...When folks use the term Brush pile what are they talking about. Certainly there aren't little fishies down there with little fishy chainsaws cutting up fishwood trees and stacking the brush in piles. So are we talking trees that floated off the banks and sank? Are we talking Christas trees. Can you define what brush piles are. Before I met you all I was a creek or pond fisherman. And how do you find them? I've never seen anything suspiciously brushpile-like on my Hummingbird.


Well-known member
Maybe you can answer this...When folks use the term Brush pile what are they talking about. Certainly there aren't little fishies down there with little fishy chainsaws cutting up fishwood trees and stacking the brush in piles. So are we talking trees that floated off the banks and sank? Are we talking Christas trees. Can you define what brush piles are. Before I met you all I was a creek or pond fisherman. And how do you find them? I've never seen anything suspiciously brushpile-like on my Hummingbird.
If I can I'll take a pic next time out. Brushpiles are usually sunk by fishermen in strategic areas. The Pack is loaded with sunken and still standing timber. This is from the original flooding a hundred years ago. Much of that timber is in deeper water, 25 plus. With the newer advanced down and side imaging you can find incredible amounts of downed trees. Not surprising channel bends and swings are spots where it gathered heaviest. Lots of areas where vertical is the only way to fish. Christmas trees often arent good until they spend severl years in the water.


Well-known member
This is kind of the direction I'm heading. sort-of. Melvin and Z are also sort of heading that way, sometimes. I've been seriously fishing since 2018. Started with the bank game. Then once I had the boat it was a casting to the bank game. Then, Thanks to you guys, especially TS and TC I got interested in suspended fish. Maybe brushplles are out ahead waiting for me. thanks for the explanation.


Nuts & Bolts Guy
This is kind of the direction I'm heading. sort-of. Melvin and Z are also sort of heading that way, sometimes. I've been seriously fishing since 2018. Started with the bank game. Then once I had the boat it was a casting to the bank game. Then, Thanks to you guys, especially TS and TC I got interested in suspended fish. Maybe brushplles are out ahead waiting for me. thanks for the explanation.

This is just a random image I grabbed from a google search. The left image being 2d sonar, the top right, side imaging and the lower right, down imaging.


I'm not suggesting moving to a more expensive sonar (or am I? LOL) but when you get to see the multiple images, it's easier to mentally stitch together. It's fun finding places where others don't fish.....until the next time you get there and you see the boat that was watching you last time there. :(


Well-known member
I've seen the stacks like is shown in pink and assumed it was bait, then the orange blob below it id have considered trash or boulder. I have problematic eyesight and to be consistent I leave the setting show the fish shape instead of arches.
With the image in right top I have no idea what it is displaying. looks like a highway with single white line. Can you explain it? Is this what they call DI?


Nuts & Bolts Guy
looks like a highway with single white line. Can you explain it? Is this what they call DI?

You're right, it does look like a hiway! ;). That upper right image is side imaging. The yellow line in the center of the image is the dividing line, the left or right side of your boat. The black between the line and the gold is the water depth between the boat and the bed of the lake or river. And then the gold is the bed and out, towards the bank if you will.

Because the image is gradient in color, that is typically a rise or decline in water level, in this case, and down imaging confirms, a rise in the bed and on that rise is an object. That object is assumed to be a brush pile because you can see the shadow beyond it which shows that it has height. Once again, confirmed by both down imaging as well as 2D. Beyond and below the shadow of the brush, you see those white or gold footballs, they are most likely rocks but not definite, they could be fish but they do not have a shadow beneath them like the fish tight to the upper right of the brush that clearly has a shadow beneath it.

The lower right image, down imaging, confirms that there is a rock beyond the brush just like 2D shows in bright red. Harder returns give brighter colors. Finally.....you seem some red on the down image indicating a fish. I am not sure what sonar this image is from, I believe it could be Lowrance as they include fish identification on their down imaging.

As you can tell by my ramblings, there is a wealth of info and I may also geek out over this stuff. ;). End result, cast at that stuff!

Solitario Lupo

Brush piles are usually naturally made by trees, bushes, sticks, debris falling in the water and wind and air moving them to certain areas and piling up. Cribs are man made and are out there for habitat and structure for the fish. Both can be great to fish by them if you can find them. Some lakes show where they sunk cribs.


Well-known member
I think my old crib is down there somewhere...

I saw where some fish commissions somewhere tied Christmas Trees together, many at a time, and tied weights to the(concrete blocks or something) and pushed them off the front of boats.

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