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  1. truecrimson

    May 16 - Scheduled Down Time

    Preaching to the choir there brother o_O🤪😵‍💫🥴
  2. truecrimson

    Finally got out for the first time

    I should add I have had my license checked many times at state parks and they have never said anything about the number of rods I had leaned against a picnic table.
  3. truecrimson

    Finally got out for the first time

    I have always interpreted the regs as I can only have 3 lines in the water but I can carry around as many as I want.
  4. truecrimson

    Sunday morning

    Fell in a mud puddle the other day reaching for a Rapala. But I got the Rapala back ;)
  5. truecrimson

    What did you Catch Today?

    Picking up OT while it's available but managed to sneak away to the Tulp in Myerstown last week and the Quitttie in Annville today. No fish. They were there but they have been hit in the head with everything and don't trust anyone. Saw plenty of other wildlife including this guy. Wish I...
  6. truecrimson

    Family photo

    One of my fly rods in the Eagle claw that goes both ways, fly or spin.
  7. truecrimson

    Kutztown folk society concert

    Going to see Jordan Peterson in Reading that night, otherwise we might have tried to make it.
  8. truecrimson

    What did you Catch Today?

    Where on the skook do you put your boat?
  9. truecrimson

    What did you Catch Today?

    Nah, you were laughing so hard you would have dropped it in the water... ;)
  10. truecrimson

    What did you Catch Today?

    And you remembered how to use your camera ;)
  11. truecrimson


    Same here except I am grateful never to have eaten any of the dead mushrooms either ;) But the wife likes the food ones.
  12. truecrimson

    Alien creature

    Eel or lamprey or hagfish. Wish we had a better view of the mouth. Swatara, as in Swatara creek literally means "where we feast on eels" in Susquehannock. Eels go out to the ocean to breed and return to live in fresh water, the opposite of salmon. At least in the Susquehanna River watershed.
  13. truecrimson

    What did you Catch Today?

    S22 Ultra here. Not just pics but the videos I posted recently were done on it.
  14. truecrimson


    Wife was talking about those being in season. She loves mushrooms. Neither of us know enough about mushroom hunting to be safe so we don't do it.
  15. truecrimson

    Trout season

    I haven't bee to Struble in ages. Years. Depth map Struble lake structure map 2020 trap net study Struble lake...
  16. truecrimson

    Gator Mount

    Candy dishes for next Halloween ;)
  17. truecrimson

    Shout out to SL!

    100%. You throw things. You catch on something. You throw that more. You catch more on it. Rinse/repeat.
  18. truecrimson


    We watched it, but had to keep waiting for clouds to pass. Still pretty cool. We can say we saw it, and we have glasses for next time in '44 sposedly.
  19. truecrimson


    Only fishing for lung oysters here. The nurses are going after finless browns under the patients but I don't want any part of that.
  20. truecrimson

    It’s spring

    And you said...