[Archived] What did you Buy Today?

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Well-known member
My laptop is a Core I7 with SSD. Love it. Even got me back into Mechwarrior Online a bit after a many year hiatus due to inferior technology.


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Yeah I’m tech fried, trying to teach myself 2-3 software packages and now navigate using rfid for SSO which I’m calling a “fail”. Add in challenges with internal IT I can’t seem to ever resolve and I’m ready for a technology break lol. Seriously, had to facilitate a call with app developers and our InfoSec group after the latter failed to whitelist a single application their own VP directed them to a month ago. First place I’ve ever been where any given group will either openly or covertly defy their own leadership and all keep their heads or even get promoted. If my team pulled half those stunts they’d be outside with cardboard boxes,,,,,needless to say, I’ve never had teams that were anything but loyal A Players.


Well-known member
I got married April 16th 1977, opening day of trout season. Fished in the morning, and got my ball & chain in the afternoon:oops: View attachment 2205.
" Marriage is a 3 ring circus, 1st comes the engagement ring, then comes the wedding ring, than comes the suffering"

View attachment 2206
I was -5 in ‘77 lol. No complaints here, my Wife is a saint. Plus, she worked as a Bio for CDC. I’m mostly afraid I’ll die of some ancient unknown plague or something.
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Well-known member
Congrats A-5, I’m a be a mess when mine marry. My boys, maybe not so much. My princess, not sure I’ll survive that day.
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