[Archived] What did you Catch Today?

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Well-known member
First time since maybe May not counting walking creek with my 12 yo a few weekends ago for 15 mins.

Managed 10 or so in 2 hrs or less. Most in the 6-10 lbs range. Only brookie was 4-5 lbs and a sign of the state records our co op will stock next year. We just started these a little over a year ago and largest break 5 lbs already. We spend most of our considerable budget on custom feed and mountain spring fed ponds certainly donā€™t hurt. Itā€™s public water though and larger picture we are restoring the waterway, indirectly the community. Not super close like the Lehigh but did a quick walk before I take 74 yo neighbor out this coming week and broke in the replacement 5wt.

Im not convinced after failing to turn big fish at all but they are jumbos. The rod St Croix replaced mustā€™ve had 10k on it and many many jumbos some breaking 10 lbs. Havenā€™t decided if the new Imperial blanks flex more or the extra 6ā€ in length. Before I relegate it to the rod rack forever Iā€™ll try putting the busted 8ā€™ tip on it. Itā€™s a 2 piece so I use Tip as a reference. The old does fit and appears stiffer at 6ā€ less leaving hope itā€™s really a similar blank just longer making it more noodle like.IMG_9337.jpegIMG_9336.jpegIMG_9335.jpegIMG_9334.jpeg


Well-known member
Yep I know, my spring and last winter pics I was a bit leaner. 200 days in Hiltons and our company Dr thinks my 40 lbs weight gain coupled with first time higher blood pressure means I need no travel, good diet, low stress, low work hours, more exercise,,,,, umm,,,,, yeah we both know what I do for a living. None of none are happening. Add in a few dependents I didnā€™t sire and pic gets clearer. Thereā€™s no hours left in day and most days Iā€™m lucky I know which timezone Iā€™m waking up in lol. Energy to hit a gym or plan a meal ahead is a luxury right now.

Plus side, Iā€™m not traveling anymore so an exec asked if Iā€™d consider West Palm in Jan-Mar. Guess I could shoulder a few more flights and maybe catch some tarpon/bull shark in the meantime. By April though Iā€™m back in my trout shape ready to climb any impossible peak to find em unharassed.


Well-known member
As usual none of my screenshots show girth and I didnā€™t want to keep ā€˜em out too long. Most I left in net after I got a few representative vids. My gear is in shambles and I need to regroup after this coming week. Let things go almost a year or more. Damn all this work getting in the way of recreational pursuits!


Well-known member
We need a wellness check on A-5! He did not recommend NY! Call the police, the fire department, and EMS! He needs an Infusion of fish eggs, stat! ;)
no no, he only has to think of how pleasant, helpful considerate and efficient the PA system is and he'll be back to recommending NY in a jiffy.
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