[Archived] What did you Catch Today?

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Well-known member
I really enjoy this dogs company as he is patient and compliant. Only thing is had I left him at home I could have had TC sitting in the boat and we wouldn't have had to keep handing the bait back and forth.


Well-known member
Next time. But even then, as excited as he gets to go I would hate to have him left behind on my account. Especially if he will bite A-5 ;)
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Well-known member
That was a good meal at Roy Anne. gotta do it again. This time wee can bring wives...they bite harder.


Don this time I could move my neck. I’ll be more set up after Christmas. I have two trips in November and the holidays. Fall is very busy.


Nuts & Bolts Guy
Had a great day on Blue Marsh with a good friend today. I introduced him to dragging a football jig. He’s a good angler and took to it immediately. He even said it is now his favorite method. All I heard was cha-Ching! because he said he had to buy a baitcaster now. Lol.

Plenty of Largemouth. Brian unfortunately dropped one next to the boat even larger than this. Had to be at least 5lbs. By the end of the trip, it grew to at least 10. ;)


A few smallies made their appearance as well.


And their is no way Brian would let me drive past the Crappie tree and we caught a few decent ones.


Notice this one’s tail and then the belly, there are a few of those missing pieces from the tail stuck there. I can’t figure out how the heck that happened but I am to blame I’m sure. It was a clean lift from the water but maybe it was a flop on the deck and got caught in my braid on my one rod??


Nuts & Bolts Guy
Thinking about heading over there tomorrow and launch in the no wake area.
I was there last week and this week and I have a theory…..

The no wake zones, I could not buy a bite last week or even today. Those 2 zones were also the heaviest affected areas for algae blooms the last month.

I do not know what it is like upstream at the Sheidy launch but I would suspect that it had similar issues. Algae blooms kill oxygen and I believe it sent most fish to the main lake. My point, you could be a little disappointed not fishing the wake areas. Tomorrow however that lake is going to be nuts with pleasure and fishing boats so you have to take the good with the bad so to speak. They are removing the docks in a few weeks, people are getting their last outings in. After they remove the docks, game on!


Well-known member
1) How long into the fall is it worthwhile to pursue LMB?
2) How deep is it worth fishing the bottom now. Once the lake turns do you fish deeper?

Until I began fly fishing two years ago I never fished water deeper than 10 or twelve feet deep and it was usually a river or stream.
I was at Frances E. W. Dam and some areas were supposedly 60'deep. Would it have been a waste to fish deep...like really deep? I did catch allot btwn surface and 10 or 15' down. But I figured there'd not be oxygen much deeper.
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