[Archived] What did you Catch Today?

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Solitario Lupo

PA only stocks certain places with lakers. Has to be deep cold waters for them to live. There not really like the other trout they are actually can be considered a trash fish. They eat pretty much anything floating on the bottom. Guess that’s why they get so big. Still would be fun getting a 50lb fish in. Only if that could happen in PA.


Well-known member
Yes it would be fun but I’m hoping for the 15-20” jobbers for the freezer. And I like to eat pickerel so I’m pretty sure I’ll like northers for the Freezer. Then of course the panfish. Yum.
The trout species are all reproducing in Round Valley and also at Merril. But the salmon don’t seem to reproduce and are only in Merrill Creek. They are supplemented annually.


Well-known member
Could be wrong but I don’t think an old fish that size will taste as good as 2-3 pounders. I told you before: it’s not about the tug. It is about the freezer, maybe with a big tug here and there spread out over the years. But the freezer is always first. I had Bluegill for lunch today. Yum.


Well-known member
There's no whispering going on. You hurt them and throw them back instead of donating them to the good of all. Kids are dying of starvation tonight all over the Sell-Perk Region cause you throw then back.
Fish Hurter in Tights.

Solitario Lupo

Yes it would be fun but I’m hoping for the 15-20” jobbers for the freezer. And I like to eat pickerel so I’m pretty sure I’ll like northers for the Freezer. Then of course the panfish. Yum.
The trout species are all reproducing in Round Valley and also at Merril. But the salmon don’t seem to reproduce and are only in Merrill Creek. They are supplemented annually.
Better to eat lakers from some clean waters. Check the book I think they advise not to eat them from Lake Erie.
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