[Archived] What did you Catch Today?

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Well-known member
Destroyed them today. Didn't get much fishing in on a 4 day weekend. Hit a small pond near me and it was lights out. 30+ on spinning gear another 20+ on fly gear. I haven't had a day of fishing like today in a year or 2. At one point I think I had 10 consecutive trout.

I feel as though I've been letting our fly fishermen down lately lol. I uncorked a few bad throws but never have I caught this many trout on the fly. Definitely knocked some rust off.


Well-known member
I stayed in as much as possible. High winds aren’t for this sissy.
Same here. I'll fish through rain before wind. We aren't anchor up type boaters. This weekend sucked with the wind. Today was no different, but from the shore it was ok. I had the wind at my back which made long fly casts easier for being a novice.


Nuts & Bolts Guy
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Destroyed them today. Didn't get much fishing in on a 4 day weekend. Hit a small pond near me and it was lights out. 30+ on spinning gear another 20+ on fly gear. I haven't had a day of fishing like today in a year or 2. At one point I think I had 10 consecutive trout.

I feel as though I've been letting our fly fishermen down lately lol. I uncorked a few bad throws but never have I caught this many trout on the fly. Definitely knocked some rust off.
Well earned for toughing out the weather. Nicely done!
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We blanked today lost a pickerel and a few other bites but nothing landed heading to Harvey’s tomorrow to play with the down riggers and yes z got power about 3 pm today


Well-known member
I love to watch the carp. The Giving Pond has an area where once a year the carp are jetting around in tree stumps in the shallows.


Well-known member
Yesterday we hit Shohola. Don would be happy, steady Pickerel bite and Shiela got a Bluegill. Today I walked an artificial only stream and struck out.
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