[Archived] What did you Catch Today?

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Well-known member
Oh boy crap stuffed rainbow would be awesome today’s catch from Wyoming county spinner worm rigs where the go to today 8 to 10 feet approximately 7 mph trolling z and I had a pretty good day 7 trout 1 smallmouth 1 nice large mouth 2 sunnies and a perch landed


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Randy Z

Well-known member
Great day today on Winola with the "B.O.A.T" Melvin and I hit them pretty good. Nice Bass on top water, and our limit plus of nice Trout!!! All in all a great day!!!! Oh yeah Melvin got 2 Sunnys, 1 Pickle. I got one 6inch smally, hahahaha.


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Well-known member
Worked out asses off on a new coop for the girls. The work is done, tomorrow it's time to fish! We're headed to terrorize Shohola early.

Nice location Blackcat Outdoors. Enjoy and good luck tomorrow.


Well-known member
The creek report from Wyoming county this morning 2 smallies 2 fallfish black bunny streamer was the ticket


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Well-known member
Just one sunfish today at Blue Marsh. Had another one get off that was smaller than the Rapala, and also had what would have been a PB bass throw the lure in a beautiful jump. Lots of sunfish and bass and even a carp followed the Rapala around but did not strike. Nothing looked at any other baits, and I went through all the tackle boxes.

I launched at the north launch which has 2 ramps, and numerous bank fishing spots that kayakers and canoers use to launch20220605_145651.jpg. No boaters were harmed in my launch ;)

Solitario Lupo

Just one sunfish today at Blue Marsh. Had another one get off that was smaller than the Rapala, and also had what would have been a PB bass throw the lure in a beautiful jump. Lots of sunfish and bass and even a carp followed the Rapala around but did not strike. Nothing looked at any other baits, and I went through all the tackle boxes.

I launched at the north launch which has 2 ramps, and numerous bank fishing spots that kayakers and canoers use to launchView attachment 3447. No boaters were harmed in my launch ;)
Must have been one hungry fish look at the size of the lure it took.


Nuts & Bolts Guy
7 LM, 3 SM and one channel cat at Blue Marsh today. I swore my last visit there was the last due to the algae bloom but a buddy wanted to go there today.

All fish were taken up shallow, most were small so I assume they were not bedding except for a 3 lb spawned out female. There was also a 2lber male in the mix that came at the same time as the 3lber as a double but in a different cast direction. While what we caught were shallow today, I think they are in transition to deeper water as the quality fish are not to be found on the banks and we beat those banks to death! Lol

I know I am definitely in transition to Nox and Beltzville. You would have thought that it was Saturday at Blue Marsh today with the amount of boats, sailboats, wave runners and kayaks.
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