[Archived] What did you Catch Today?

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Well-known member
Thanks, these are the slimiest/stinkiest fish I’ve ever handled. Got’em against my clothing and everything on me soon smelled awful. Once Dried my jeans and tee were white with dried slime. Next time hemostats only. They also slimed and bloodied the boat. I’m told they’re one of the best tasting fish out here. Didn’t get that far.


Well-known member
“They” suckers are good to eat?
How to prepare them ??? I hearse they’re super bony. Heard to only eat them in winter and early spring or they’re very fishy. The suckers in this lake are so big that they’re hard to hold without a towel or something. Kind of like trying to hold an eel.


Well-known member
It’s the Whitefish I hear of people eating and these are Mountain Whitefish. Very strong. Closely related to trout. There are two or three species in ID WY AND MT.
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