[Archived] What did you Catch Today?

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Well-known member
It was so refreshing out on the Delaware. Brisk hot wind blowing up river and slow and low current heading down river. I launched the drift boat and was able to cross and return several time without drifting up or down the river. Fun.
Hey Boot Thanks for the Smallie. Hadn't had a Bass over for dinner in a long time. Live crawler on a #8 hook.


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Well-known member
I had forgotten how hard Smallies fight for their size. It was fun. They don’t jump as much as LMB. At first I thought it was a larger cat. But then I saw it and it seemed to set him off as well. Almost 17”. What do you think it weighed, 2.5-3?


Well-known member
I had forgotten how hard Smallies fight for their size. It was fun. They don’t jump as much as LMB. At first I thought it was a larger cat. But then I saw it and it seemed to set him off as well. Almost 17”. What do you think it weighed, 2.5-3?
Nothing compares to a river smallie. Mine jump, yours must not be inspired lol


Well-known member
Mine are all inspired. This one had only been to pulling school.
I was at a spot that used to be very good for them and was surprised how few I seen caught there in recent years.


Well-known member
Hey, You and uncle Melvin and all the other northern crown should be practicing C &R but with a little professional courtesy…….Release all Smallies into the Delaware so they can come visit with me.


Well-known member
I was at a spot that used to be very good for them and was surprised how few I seen caught there in recent years.
I wonder why? Hate to see that one removed from the gene pool when there’s plenty of 12 and 13” bass with less mercury to feast on. To each their own.


Well-known member
Can’t hassle anybody that’s eaten um as long as they don’t get wasted but when you put the big ones back they only get bigger and are make way better fishtails


Well-known member
I normally only eat pannies. Last year I tried to catch some LMB for the freezer but failed. Haven’t eaten a bass in 30 plus years.
How long have you known Gene Pool?


Well-known member
One thing for sure it was a beautiful night on the Delaware. I had to push the drift boat off dry. It didn’t even get wet backing in. It’s a tilt trailer and that was helpful.


Well-known member
I went out on a White Fly hunt but the wind shut most of the insect action down, still got 5 on fly rod popper. Winds started about
7pm and never quit. Saw several varieties of insects trying to launch including White Flies and Hex flies - big ones. Ran into a giant Orb Weaver on the walk out.
bass on popper.jpg
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spotted orb weaver.jpg




Well-known member
That is the eating size. Though mine was delicious the 12-13" are best. He only Jumped to please you.
I also saw minnows begin to jump out of the water and should I assume that that meant something is chasing them?
Are u on East branch of Sesquahanna?


Well-known member
That is the eating size. Though mine was delicious the 12-13" are best. He only Jumped to please you.
I also saw minnows begin to jump out of the water and should I assume that that meant something is chasing them?
Are u on East branch of Sesquahanna?
Is there an East Branch? I'm on the North Branch which is east of the west branch so,... maybe
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