Hemaris thysbe


Well-known member
Gotta love those Hummingbird Butterflies, the only clear wing butterfly. Plant appears to be Vitex. Had some at the College.

Solitario Lupo

Got a bunch of butterfly bushes. Very easy to clone so i went nuts with them.

When I first saw them I thought they were hummingbirds. Gotta love some of the colors on them.


Well-known member
We have them all over the various Honesuckle, trumpet vine and lilies in bloom right now. we also have, on the same plants real hummingbirds. It is really awesome. So they are hybrid Buddleia. I sell varieties of them to growers.

Solitario Lupo

I get hummingbirds also but see them every once in awhile. Got the yellow honeysuckle out there then the pinks, whites, and purple. Even a so called blue one that doesn’t look blue. I got a couple just by walking around stores and taking a couple tops off. Then got them going in pots. Other than the butterfly bushes just a couple lilies. Most my front is just hostas.
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