How to lose a ton of cash quick


Well-known member

Now if I’d bought back when I first heard Vitalik speak I’d be moonwalking still. Forget for 9 mos and then decide to support the mission has a sting.

Biggest question, buy the dip or ride it to the ground?!?


Nuts & Bolts Guy
No thank you! That is risky business. I stick with Tech and Pharma. Not even stocks, managed funds. Slow and steady with a little thrill.


Well-known member

Buy the dip.

Have you seen what BTC is doing?



Yep, but not a BTC’er. I’m more into the founder than the invention. I bought in knowing I was investing in a dream that would likely fail. Plus, Eth had a use besides store of value or speculation. Just might die before realizing it, lol.


Well-known member
Yeah, BTC some see as digital currency, store of value, etc.

In other news,,,, Way Down We Go,O,O,O



Well-known member
I’m riding the crash to the bottom. I’ve always heard VCs say they invest in people not trying ideas. I invested in Vitalik. Guy amazes me with his perception at such a young age. If you’ve not heard his podcasts listen. Tim Ferris Show is a good start. He’s into Quadratic voting concepts from 150 yrs ago. Very rare to hear an advanced coder/innovator who thinks about influencing good human behavior at the level he does. Gives me hope for our future honestly. Most only think of TGIF.

He’s also open in ideology aka ETH could fail and he’d say it’s a good thing because a better system could arise. Matches my philosophy on a lot but if your looking for a secure Store of Value keep in mind he’s an Ideologue who’s interested in testing theories. Could go on drawing analogies to my own experiences of rapid iteration riding the razor providing temporary successes but he’s so far beyond my level it’s not a fair analogy.


Well-known member
Early 40th b-day present I put capital behind my conviction. It’ll shake out where God intends. Seeing how I’ve failed to fully leverage all the oppty I’m given if it fails it’s my own doing and we roll on from the ashes of the trailer park.


Well-known member
Scarey thing about those who’ve grown up in environments that make 3rd world countries look like Resorts? Not too concerned about the downslide.

I hear A-5 can squeeze us into his garage. We’ll be just fine. My 10 yo is asking why we don’t sell our every possession and live on a sailboat. No Don, that wasn’t from me though we may need to revisit your educating me on Sloops and other options. He was all over them in Cape May,,,,, 2 of 5 leaning that way. Gotta get one more vote in the house to tip odds.


Well-known member
lol, the wife shot down the live on a boat idea for me many many years ago, back when we had the credit rating to pull it off, and there was an RT contract in the VI to get us started.

I'm glad you are sticking with it. I know a lot of guys who were in BTC early, cashed out at $1000, and they are still kicking themselves.