PFBC Opening Day of Trout Season Survey


Nuts & Bolts Guy
I received an email form the PFBC, below is the text.

According to our records, you have purchased a trout permit sometime in the last five years. The PA Fish and Boat Commission (PFBC) is considering changes to the opening day of trout season and we want your input.

As a reminder, there was only one statewide opening day in the years prior to 2007. In 2007, a regional opening day was added for waters in 18 counties in the southeast and southcentral parts of the state. In 2020 and 2021, there was only one opening day, due to the pandemic.

We want to know which you prefer, or whether you even want an opening day to trout season. This survey will take less three minutes of your time and can be done on a phone or other mobile device.

The survey ends on July 16, so don't delay.

Completing this survey is a way to have your opinion heard as the PFBC considers changes to trout season.

Thank you for completing this official survey and for your support of fishing in PA.

I found it interesting and did complete the survey so if you have an interest, keep a look out in your email.


Well-known member
I've been purchasing the license online for quite awhile now, always use the same email address, never received this.


Well-known member
Two opening days gives people more chance to clog up your local lake and streams. So I hear :)


Well-known member
Never saw anything like this is it in the book you now the one you have to buy I’m starting to feel more like A5 about pa fish and game commission where’s the grumpy face emoji
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Solitario Lupo

Just tried to do it and it said they already maxed out with responses for the survey. What kinda message is that :mad: Wish I could’ve gave them my two cents. That’s are fish comm... for ya.


They will continue researching unknown muscles in the lake Erie region. Meanwhile dump the trout at the bridge and move on