What did you Catch Today?


Well-known member
Striper fishing was a success Saturday on Raritan Bay. We purposely started late and dipped in just before 9am so the sun could heat things up. We checked a few of our known holding spots hoping to find some early males but they were not to be found there. As luck would have it, we found them near the lighthouse. It was almost like a beacon was drawing us to them. LOL

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For Mid-March and the first trip of the year, it was a great day and we boated a dozen of these guys.

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As you can see in the pics, the water was slick calm until the tide changed a little after 1pm but even then, it was still nice.

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Most were in the 29"-33" range with one 24"ish in the mix and a couple of 34s".

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Birds and bait were already plentiful, an early start for them this year for sure. The fish smashed our paddle tails like freight trains and took us on a couple of unexpected runs. Everything running a little ahead this year.

The cold front this week should calm them down a little though we already have plans to be out there right after this front passes. Can't wait!
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Nuts & Bolts Guy
Looks like some good eats there. I went out to my local quick spot just to throw some spinbaits this afternoon. No dice, rain and temps have set the lake back but it was more about getting things tuned. Ironic was that when I left I thought damn, I should have brought some small Keitechs as perch are in there.


Well-known member
Looks like some good eats there. I went out to my local quick spot just to throw some spinbaits this afternoon. No dice, rain and temps have set the lake back but it was more about getting things tuned. Ironic was that when I left I thought damn, I should have brought some small Keitechs as perch are in there.
Long day. Full 8+ on the water. Did spend some time getting used to the ultrex. Learned a few things nobody told me lol.


Nuts & Bolts Guy
Long day. Full 8+ on the water. Did spend some time getting used to the ultrex. Learned a few things nobody told me lol.
What remote did you get with that one? I know they were giving the smaller remote due to supply issues the last year. The reason I ask is because I don’t think you can set the boat size with the small remote??


Well-known member
What remote did you get with that one? I know they were giving the smaller remote due to supply issues the last year. The reason I ask is because I don’t think you can set the boat size with the small remote??
I got a full remote and the heading sensor. Didnt install the sensor after talking with MK tech. Dont need it. I left the remote in the truck lol, so next time


Well-known member
And I envisioned that it was line,ie "Hey I put 6 lb Ultrex onto my Helios".


Well-known member
Long day. Full 8+ on the water. Did spend some time getting used to the ultrex. Learned a few things nobody told me lol.
I've had that experience big time motorizing the yak. The youtubers edit all of the problems out before they post their videos :ROFLMAO:


Nuts & Bolts Guy
I got a full remote and the heading sensor. Didnt install the sensor after talking with MK tech. Dont need it. I left the remote in the truck lol, so next time

If you get the herky jerky so to speak…that’s a technical term ;) where the startup knocks you off balance a bit, adjusting the boat scale will help.

As for heading sensor, I’ve heard varying opinions. Some say it holds spot lock tighter?? I do save waypoints to the remote though and I “think” the heading sensor may help with that when guiding me to the final resting stop.

Waypoints are kind of neat. Get in the general area, click on the saved spot and let it be the butler while you get your rod ready.


Well-known member
If you get the herky jerky so to speak…that’s a technical term ;) where the startup knocks you off balance a bit, adjusting the boat scale will help.

As for heading sensor, I’ve heard varying opinions. Some say it holds spot lock tighter?? I do save waypoints to the remote though and I “think” the heading sensor may help with that when guiding me to the final resting stop.

Waypoints are kind of neat. Get in the general area, click on the saved spot and let it be the butler while you get your rod ready.
According to the MK tech the heading sensor is mainly for the jog feature. Not sure about waypoints. I know if you have the link model you can connect a Hummingbird unit that will work with the waypoints. I kept my Lowrance on the bow to use as 2d and the map. I have waypoints on the unit. Biggest thing I learned today way locking down. Best to approach from down wind, go a bit past and drift back over before hitting spotlock