[Archived] What did you Catch Today?

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Well-known member
Got out this morning 7 -10:30 AM. on the Wissahickon and caught 10 trout, A lot were very small. Is anyone fishing water stocked by the Pleasant Gap hatchery. The fish in Pennypack from Huntsdale are all nice size.
Those areas are so picturesque. Especially Pennypack.


Well-known member
Fished Nockamixon this morning into early afternoon. I only generated 1 bite but I got ‘em.

I also rescued a young lady who got blown at least a half mile off course on her paddle board. It was WAY too windy for her to be out there today. She waved me down and asked for a lift as she could not paddle fast enough to make progress, she just kept going backwards. I got her and her board into the boat and safely delivered her to the docks. She was happy and I was happy to be able to help.

Fishy…I should have at least smiled :(
View attachment 4985
First time ever heard of that pick up technique :love:


Well-known member
Joking aside, if you had not been there, the thing for her to do would be to go to the nearest shore that she could get to going with the wind. Then walk to the nearest road and call for help on her cell phone. These days that usually means call a friend, cab, or Uber to get to your car then come back and get your board and gear.
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Nuts & Bolts Guy
Tough day finding fish in Raritan Bay today. If it were not for a late pod that came into Sandy Hook, we would have blanked. We did keep a 36” and a 37” for the table for friends. My best was a fat 40” that fought as hard as any striper I’ve ever caught. Long day, I am beat!! Looking forward to getting back to freshwater fishing. ;)



Well-known member
Spent all day working at hatchery on 3 days w/o sleep, waiting on last crew of guys I threw a half dozen casts into creek and hooked into this chunky lady.

I’m not that good, they put 3-400 jumbos and 1200 yearlings @ 15-17” and 2-3 lbs into small creek that’s low right now so odds are good the unsuspecting stretch next to me might hold something. I could’ve gotten serious and spent the last hour of daylight catching them in every pool but seemed greedy plus 3 days of no sleep catches up to a guy.


Well-known member
Tried getting an hour of shut eye from 3-4am but knowing I had a big day starting at 5am didn’t help. Leaving late tomorrow or early Monday so won’t touch water until I fly in to run youth derby. Spring season is kinda shot for me but this one was a quick fun high point.
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Well-known member
Nice one! Get it in while you can. And get some sleep. Not sleeping enough leads to all kinds of problems.
Yep, I wasn’t greedy and caught only a few. I thought my scale was broke at 6.5-7.5 but that was kg, she was 14 lbs+, easily my best ever though Mrs. GC tried popping my ego saying would I have caught it in a week or two if it was still there. My answer, an emphatic “Of Course!”. Can’t allow household questioning my fishing prowess.

So she might have destroyed a few more 5-6wts. I bet even if pressured a ton I could’ve convinced her to take a chomp.


Well-known member
29.5”x20” 14.5 lbs.

There’s 300 more like her, maybe not her overall size but ballpark. Creek will get hammered after tomorrow sadly but looking forward to the rapidly approaching time we’ve finished the creek restoration, stocked our last brute, and moved onto the next creek. Project starts July 1 to restore obstructions and deepen/narrow the main channel. I can already hear the whispers and complaints of 30” fish that are rarely caught.

I’m also starting to understand what A-5 often highlights in his comments about what PA waterways could be. Based on a lifetime across NY I’d argue PA has a better underlying waterway framework. There’s a lot of great spring fed water systems in PA that just need clarity of vision to see to their true potential.

Or maybe I’ve moved into delirious exhaustion, lol.


Well-known member
Hit up my little local reservoir this evening. I can say they are officially pre-spawn there. I couldn’t say that just yesterday.

I know, I know, out of season….to keep! but this one is an absolute tank for that little reservoir.
Before NY had the early C+R season I’d harass the crap out of them from late April through May. Threw a giant bobber and shiners I caught out of a local pond into every nest along the road or shoreline. My uncle used to get super mad. Then when I got old enough to buy a fishing license they changed the season to be early C+R 😂

I honestly only think of largemouths as throwing minnows into nests around the edge of little NY lakes. You ask me to pick from the 8 thousand plastic colors and types and I’d be lost.


Well-known member
Crankbaits, buzzbaits, jitterbugs, always selected on my Christmas list from the big catalogs but nothing I’d ever seen actually catch anything. As a teen I tried a few and seemed ridiculous so I pivoted back to old tried and true. Red and white or “stealthy” orange and yellow bobber and a dorsal hooked shiner.
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