[Archived] What did you Catch Today?

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Well-known member
The fishy finderer showed allot suspended at 25-35 feet. What were they? they seemed medium in size and only once were they inside of bait balls. Surface water temp was 55
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Well-known member
Are you stomping them to death?
Are these ‘awful people’ pro Palestinian, anti-Trumpers. Are the bathrooms unisex? Have the fish paid their education loans back. If not they may not be Salmon but rather Loan Sharks.
It’s a lot to take in when still just a center-pinner. Call if you need Counsil.

Solitario Lupo

Went to Erie on Friday. Take it from me ignore it for now low water plenty of steel and a million people. The most ignorant awful people

Pretty much why I stop fishing Erie. The only place I know where people just complain all day plus the wars over property. Gotta drive around and find those spots that don’t have to many clowns who take it to serious aren’t around.

Also don’t show those pics around with those fish on the rocks like that. Youll get beat to death with ignorant comments. 😀


Lol most rope them. All fish were fine when released. If anyone complains I’ll tell them watch how the hatchery fish are treated. They squeeze the royal bleeep out of the hens throw them across concrete then back In The tanks. We beach most fish. Oh well I don’t take a net my other guys do, if I’m in a spot I can’t beach them I’ll take a net. Oh well. Steelhead/salmon fisherman are the worst humans ever made. Just saying
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