I hated those things at first because in the Lehigh I always thought they were a huge trout. After a few fairly large samples abd some hard fighting small ones when I couldn’t scare up a trout I’m appreciating them more. The first one I ever caught was in a reservoir up north. I threw a live baby frog out lip hooked and a monster crushed it. I’m not even sure where the rod came from to be honest but I know I’ll likely not top that monster in my lifetime. Forget how big but 5-6 lbs seems real conservative. As fisherman go I should at least double it but it was so long ago I’m taking the real conservative route. I assumed (sort of still do) that smallies have the potential to weigh the same as huge largemouth but no real knowledge to prove it. I’ve been lucky since to break 2-3 lbs. most are closer to 12”