[Archived] What did you Catch Today?

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That sounds like fun. I'm sorry you didn't have better weather but its still fishing.


Active member
Weather was great and then it wasn't. The best part was when the weather turned to cold and snow we were the only two out fishing and we caught fish.


Well-known member
Tuesday I tried to duck into coves to escape the worst of it but the wind soon followed. It’s okay, I need to learn, fly fishing can be done in wind as well.


Well-known member
Blowing sideways here for days now. I’d be using one of those pointy anchor sinkers we use for Striper to cast in this. Seems the wind almost never works out the way your casting either.


Well-known member
Went out Tuesday looking to beat the nasty weather. Nice day but BRUTAL winds. Only fished til 11am. Fish were active when you found them. About every third stop I would get a few. Landed 10. All smallies. Water temp was down 6 to 8 degrees in less then a week. 20210420_083444.jpg20210420_092633.jpg20210420_093236.jpg


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Well-known member
Caught a bunch of Panfish/pickerel yesterday. I cheated and treated myself to a day with the antique Johnson Reel and a box of worms. It was soooo windy, soooo windy. I photographed the Bass for A-5 to show that I'm not a complete bass snob. It was 15" on the money. What does Four Fingers get me? The shiners here are up to 12" and are fun to catch.


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Well-known member
Caught a bunch of Panfish/pickerel yesterday. I cheated and treated myself to a day with the antique Johnson Reel and a box of worms. It was soooo windy, soooo windy. I photographed the Bass for A-5 to show that I'm not a complete bass snob. It was 15" on the money. What does Four Fingers get me? The shiners here are up to 12" and are fun to catch.
Nice. I've got a couple buddies that would love that shiner. Chop it up for catfish bait.
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Well-known member
This one was full. I was gonna put it in your pond. As a kid in bucks county I never caught one much more than 4". This lake has some big ones.


Well-known member
Catfish bait? Sounds awesome for that. And to think that in some places in Europe various large minnows are popular table fare.
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