[Archived] What did you Catch Today?

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10+ hrs round trip, brought the carnival with me adding $hundreds and cutting fishing to essentially 1 day. Morning was best I’ve seen for 30 mins. Then shut off and I was the last one turning out the lights at dark and making the long unknown wade out in the dark with a bottle of water as my only sustenance all day. I did squeeze in a few hours this AM starting an hour pre-daylight. No hot bite this time and waded out at 9 to get the family for the 5 hour trek home.

So in summary, 1 Steelhead (thanks @Solitario Lupo, your black nymph thing was the only thing that worked), 12+ hours driving in 3 days, extra hotel costs, way more in all the take out meals for the horde, no peaceful solitude on the ride = 1 Steelhead,,,,,,,,,,, totally worth it all.628DE402-A1C8-41F5-B3C0-E30C89495DF3.jpeg


Well-known member
Oh, honorable mentions, kids and wife apparently saw a Great Lake for the first time
And I added an hour to show them the elk, even saw a few monster bucks. Same Gamelands I saw them 4 years ago. We watched a little shoving match but then I noticed the biggest just bedded behind them in the pic ignoring the other large bulls shenanigans.



Also field is marked as huntable Gameland I think so must be love on this brute’s mind, looked like an easy 140” 10 pt through my 10x50 swaros, bet if I crept into field edge he’d grow a brain though.

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